More than 14 years experience doing development for large MNCs like Computer Science Corp, Deutsche Bank, Hewlett Packard. Graduate of Founder Institute (www.fi.com) 2014 , Singapore
This course aims to build strong foundation in Python programming, with introduction to language syntax, and also to provide end-to-end experience building a Python application by writing a useful, real life application.
Participants will learn fundamental of Python 3 language, and with instructor’s guidance, apply it to solve real-life problem : to collect data by web scraping a website. The project is part of data analytics phase : acquiring data.
This is a blended learning style, where participants will learn with face to face sessions, and self-paced online sessions. Self-paced session will be spread 15-30 mins per day. There will be evaluation at the end of each module, where result will be recorded and can be downloaded later for review.
Computer savvy, know how to install software / application, know how to use text editor.
More than 14 years experience doing development for large MNCs like Computer Science Corp, Deutsche Bank, Hewlett Packard. Graduate of Founder Institute (www.fi.com) 2014 , Singapore
We will use Python 3.6 for this lesson.