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Communicative English for Students 6

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


ELTI ENGLISH DIGITAL COURSE merupakan program pembelajaran digital bahasa Inggris ELTI Gramedia. Program ini didesain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris komunikatif para siswa. Program ini terdiri atas 6 level. Para siswa dapat mengikuti program dengan level yang sesuai dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka.

ELTI ENGLISH DIGITAL COURSE is ELTI Gramedia's digital English learning program. This program is designed to improve students' communicative English skills. This program consists of 6 levels. Students can join a program at a level that suits their English competence.


Communicative English for Students 6 merupakan kursus bahasa Inggris yang sangat menarik yang dapat dipelajari secara mandiri oleh para siswa. Communicative English for Students 6 adalah Level 6 dari 6 Level yang dirancang secara khusus untuk pelajar yang bahasa Inggrisnya masih pada tingkat pemula. Communicative English for Students 6 terdiri atas 20 unit dengan berbagai topik yang terkait erat dengan dunia siswa dalam komunikasi berbahasa Inggris. Setiap topik membantu peserta didik melalui berbagai kegiatan belajar yang dapat mengembangkan kompetensi komunikatif siswa sehari-hari. Materi pembelajaran tidak hanya mendukung kompetensi komunikatif siswa tetapi juga sejalan dengan Kurikulum Merdeka yang dirancang oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya dalam keterampilan menyimak, memirsa, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Poin-poin gramatikal yang disajikan secara sistematis dan semua kegiatan pembelajaran pada level ini membantu siswa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Setelah menyelesaikan level ini, siswa diharapkan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris.

Communicative English for Students 6 is an exciting English course that students can take and learn independently. Communicative English for Students 5 is the sixth level of the six-level course specially designed for learners whose English is still at the beginner level. Communicative English for Students 6 consists of 20 units with various topics closely related to students’ worlds. Each topic provides the learners with a variety of learning activities which can develop students' real communicative competence. The learning materials not only support the learners’ communicative competence but are also in line with Kurikulum Merdeka designed by the Indonesian Government, particularly in terms of listening, watching, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The systematically presented grammatical points and all the learning activities at this level help the students learn English in a fun way. After completing this level, the students are expected to be able to communicate well in English.


1 Asking and giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing (Belajar cara memberi pendapat, mengekspresikan setuju dan tidak setuju)

2 Asking and talking about feelings (Belajar tentang macam-macam perasaan)

3 Asking and talking about emotions (Belajar tentang macam-macam emosi)

4 Asking and talking about stress and tips to manage stress (Belajar tentang stress dan cara mengelolanya)

5 Asking and talking about processes (Belajar tentang macam-macam proses)

6 Asking and talking about processes (Belajar tentang macam-macam proses)

7 Asking and talking about finished or unfinished activities when the other activities happened (Belajar tentang kegiatan yang sudah selesai atau belum ketika ada kegiatan lain yang berlangsung)

8 Reporting (Belajar tentang cara membuat laporan)

9 Reporting commands, requests and statements (belajar tentang cara melaporkan perintah perintah dan pernyataan)

10 Reporting questions (belajar tentang cara melaporkan pertanyaan)

11 Reviewing unit 1-10 (Mengulas kembali unit 1 - unit 10)

12 Making decisions or promises and offers (belajar tentang cara mengambil keputusan, membuat janji dan penawaran)

13 Asking and talking about decisions and predictions (belajar tentang keputusan dan prediksi)

14 Asking and talking about fixed plans (belajar tentang rencana pasti)

15 Making a date (belajar tentang membuat janji)

16 Asking and giving suggestions (belajar tentang cara meminta dan memberi saran)

17 Criticizing the activities in the past (belajar cara memberikan kritik di kegiatan lampau)

18 Asking and talking about services (belajar tentang layanan)

19 Making deductions at the present (belajar tentang cara mengambil kesimpulan di saat ini)

20 Making deductions in the past (belajar tentang cara mengambil kesimpulan di masa depan)


1 Asking and giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing (Learn how to ask and give opinions, agree and disagree)

2 Asking and talking about feelings (Learn about feelings)

3 Asking and talking about emotions (Learn about emotions)

4 Asking and talking about stress and tips to manage stress (Learn about stress and how to deal with it)

5 Asking and talking about processes (Learn about processes)

6 Asking and talking about processes (Learn about processes)

7 Asking and talking about finished or unfinished activities when the other activities happened (Learn about finished or unfinished activities when the other activities happened)

8 Reporting (Learn how to make report)

9 Reporting commands, requests and statements (Learn how to report commands, requests and statements)

10 Reporting questions (Learn how to report questions)

11 Reviewing unit 1-10

12 Making decisions or promises and offers (Learn how to make decisions or promises and offers)

13 Asking and talking about decisions and predictions (Learn how to make decisions and predictions)

14 Asking and talking about fixed plans (Learn how to express fixed plans)

15 Making a date (Learn how to make a date)

16 Asking and giving suggestions (Learn how to ask and give suggestions)

17 Criticizing the activities in the past (Learn how to criticize the activities in the past)

18 Asking and talking about services (Learn how to give services)

19 Making deductions at the present (Learn how to make deductions at the present)

20 Making deductions in the past (Learn how to make deductions at the present in the future)


ELTI English Digital Course juga mengintegrasikan Kurikulum Merdeka terutama:

1 Listening Skill

2 Viewing Skill

3 Speaking Skill

4 Reading Skill

5 Writing Skill


ELTI English Digital Course integrates the Kurikulum Merdeka particularly:

1 Listening Skill

2 Viewing Skill

3 Speaking Skill

4 Reading Skill

5 Writing Skill


1. Pelajari materi dalam level ini mulai dari Unit 1 lalu dilanjutkan dengan Unit 20 secara berurutan.

2. Mulailah dengan menonton video presentasi yang disiapkan pada setiap unit.

3. Lanjutkan mengerjakan latihan yang tersedia pada setiap unit.

4. Setelah selesai mempelajari materi pada unit 1 - 20, kerjakan Final Test.

5. Jika Anda lulus dalam Final Test, Anda akan mendapatkan sertifikat.


1. Learn the material in this level from Unit 1 to Unit 20 in sequence.

2. Start by watching the video presentation prepared for each unit.

3. Continue doing the exercises provided in each unit.

4. After learning the material in units 1 - 20, do the Final Test.

5. If you pass the Final Test, you will get a certificate.


1. Bukalah link

2. Buatlah akun pendaftaran terlebih dahulu dengan mengklik Register.

3. Setelah klik Register, lengkapi formulir pendaftaran yang tersedia.

4. Lakukan pembayaran kursus digital sebesar Rp 75.000,00 ke rekening ELTI: BCA 037 3130 033 an. Lembaga Elti Gramedia.

5. Setelah melakukan pendaftaran dan pembayaran, ELTI akan mengundang Anda melalui alamat email yang Anda gunakan pada saat membuat akun pendaftaran dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran.

6. Cek email Anda, dan lakukan aktivasi akun melalui email Anda.

7. Anda dapat memulai mengakses materi yang telah dibeli.

8. Anda dapat membeli level mana saja yang sesuai dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda.


1. Open the link

2. Create a registration account by clicking Register.

3. After clicking Register, complete the registration form provided.

4. Make payment of IDR 75,000.00 to the ELTI account: BCA 037 3130 033 (Lembaga Elti Gramedia).

5. After registration and payment, ELTI will invite you via the email address you used when creating your registration account and filling out the registration form.

6. Check your email, and activate your account via your email.

7. You can start accessing the course once you have paid.

8. You can buy any level that suits your English skills.



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